Monday, September 20, 2010

Energy Plus

It seems like a lifetime ago that I was struggling to walk with a cane, unable to drive, and completely dependent on the help of others to accomplish even the most mundane chores. Pain was a constant feature of my life. I was fatigued by the slightest exertion and spent more hours lying down than moving around. This was extremely stressful for me, a normally active, outgoing person. I later learned that some of my friends secretly thought I was dying. The reality that it was only four years ago still baffles me.

As I mentioned previously, I was unable to keep up with the demands of my gift basket business, and was forced to stop working all together. I wished I had found i26 back then; it would have saved my business and my wallet! My initial efforts to improve my health naturally were certainly successful, but I was still easily fatigued and required a 2-3 hour middle-of-the-day nap to keep functioning. Missing that nap for two days would result in a full-day crash, putting me in bed for the day. Pacing was essential to enjoying my new measure of health.

In 2006 I started working part-time from home, which allowed me to rest when necessary. If I got my required 12 -14 hours of sleep every day, I could handle a twenty-hour work week. Three months after starting i26 my work load increased and within weeks I was working full time. Actually, I have two part-time jobs (one working outside the home) and my i26 distributorship. Of course, I still have my other interests, and this blog, that keep me busy as well. When I think back to even a year ago, I’m just absolutely amazed that I have the energy to do all of this. I no longer need my daily naps, though I will still try to include a 20 minute power nap whenever possible.