Monday, September 20, 2010

Energy Plus

It seems like a lifetime ago that I was struggling to walk with a cane, unable to drive, and completely dependent on the help of others to accomplish even the most mundane chores. Pain was a constant feature of my life. I was fatigued by the slightest exertion and spent more hours lying down than moving around. This was extremely stressful for me, a normally active, outgoing person. I later learned that some of my friends secretly thought I was dying. The reality that it was only four years ago still baffles me.

As I mentioned previously, I was unable to keep up with the demands of my gift basket business, and was forced to stop working all together. I wished I had found i26 back then; it would have saved my business and my wallet! My initial efforts to improve my health naturally were certainly successful, but I was still easily fatigued and required a 2-3 hour middle-of-the-day nap to keep functioning. Missing that nap for two days would result in a full-day crash, putting me in bed for the day. Pacing was essential to enjoying my new measure of health.

In 2006 I started working part-time from home, which allowed me to rest when necessary. If I got my required 12 -14 hours of sleep every day, I could handle a twenty-hour work week. Three months after starting i26 my work load increased and within weeks I was working full time. Actually, I have two part-time jobs (one working outside the home) and my i26 distributorship. Of course, I still have my other interests, and this blog, that keep me busy as well. When I think back to even a year ago, I’m just absolutely amazed that I have the energy to do all of this. I no longer need my daily naps, though I will still try to include a 20 minute power nap whenever possible.

Friends and family have noted how much energy I seem to have and how much I am able to accomplish in a day. Since my energy increase has been gradual, it didn’t stand out as clearly to me as it was to others. But two weeks ago, it dawned on me that I really was accomplishing more in one day than I had been able to accomplish a couple of months back. One beautiful Spring day I went to work for 5 hours, went shopping, and came home and spent a couple of hours working in my back yard. BTW, my back yard is on a slope, so just walking up and down the hill can be exhausting. Finally, while relaxing on the back deck and talking with my sister about our plans for the vegetable gardens, I realized that I needed to turn over the soil in the vegetable gardens ASAP. To my sister’s amazement, and mine, I got my hoe and went to work on the first garden, which is only about 10 feet by 12 feet. Although we have a garden tiller, it was having some technical issues, so off I went to till by hand. I finished the first garden and moved on to the second, which is approximately 2 ½ times the size of the first one. Pretty soon, the tiller was fixed and ready to work, so I was able to finish both gardens in short order.

As I reflected on my jam-packed day I finally realized just how much of an impact i26 was having on my energy and endurance levels. I was comfortably tired, but not fatigued. I expected to be wiped out by morning. Before bedtime I rubbed my sore back with Arniflora (a natural ointment for aches and soreness) and after a good night’s rest, I was ready to go the next day, with only minimal tightness in my lower back. 

Now I’m looking for someone to play tennis with in my “spare” time! Like most women my age, with or without a disability, I haven’t played tennis in more years than I can remember, but I’m ready, willing, and more importantly, able to play it again! Thank you i26!

If you haven’t checked it out, please do yourself the favor and go to my website and view the informative videos and find out what so many have already discovered – i26 is truly an amazing, fantastic product. You can regain and protect your health naturally and safely by simply balancing your immune system. 

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